The Awkward Stage

More and more I’m finding myself in this strange gender limbo. There have been discussions in regards to passing, and how a lot of younger trans men are obsessed with passing. That’s all they think about. That’s all they care about.

I know I will never be a mountain man of a man. I’ll always be a little on the soft side, I think. But this awkward stage I’m currently in is a little frustrating.

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Pronouns, Passing and Periods

Happy Sunday everyone!

I’m feeling refreshed and reenergised after spending a day in the middle of nature. We found a rare spot in Arizona that had trees, water, and shade, and let my big beast of a dog chase lizards and drag logs around. It was well worth the drive.

With the peace and quiet came reflection. Hence today’s post. (Apologies in advance for the graphicness.)

But to kick it off, here are a couple of pictures from Saturday… they make me happy, and maybe they’ll make someone else smile too. They’re of my big dog, Dragon.


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Random, Random, Random

I have six days until my first therapy session with a psychologist who comes very highly recommended in dealing with trans/body/gender issues. I’m excited but nervous as hell. What do I say? “Hi. I’m pretty sure I’m a boy, but I need to make sure things are sorted out in my head since everything that follows is HUGE.” I feel like there’s no way to go in and NOT sound like an idiot. I am 99% sure that I know what I want, and that last 1% is only there because I need a professional to tell me I’m not crazy.

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