I’m Legal! (Again)

Fairly short post today, kids. 

For most people, at least in the US, there are three major milestones throughout one’s young adult life:

Age 16 – The age most people get their drivers license. 

Age 18 – The age you’re finally legal in the eyes of the law.

Age 21 – The age you’re REALLY legal, in the eyes of society. 😉

Well, today, I became legal… again. Went to Social Security and the DMV and, according to my license, I’m now legally male. My old name is slowly starting to fade away, be erased, which I am thrilled about. This does not, however, mean that the old ME is being erased. I am who I ever was, just better. 

Just. Better.

3 thoughts on “I’m Legal! (Again)

  1. Way to go! That is amazing that you got the gender marker so quickly.

    Changing all the paperwork is a PIA, but it is great to go by a name you can hear and see without cringing. Enjoy it.

    1. It’s relatively easy here in AZ. All I needed was a letter from my therapist that essentially says that I’m living as a man, and will continue to do so. Bada bing! I was terrified, though, that there would be some reason why they wouldn’t do it. Luckily, everything went smoothly (except for sitting around at the DMV for almost 2 hours… ugh).

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